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The day my friend shat herself on Hindley street

The day my friend shat herself on Hindley street

I can clearly remember the very first time I ever admitted to anyone that I was insecure.

I was 16 years old and my friends and I somehow infiltrated an older, cooler group of friends and we all went to a party. We were super excited because these older friends were grungy and cool and seemed like they took lots of drugs. We arrived to pre drinks a little late and in my nervousness I drank wine mixed with gin –  stolen from parents of course – as quickly as I could to catch up to everyone else. Suddenly I was hysterically crying in the corner, people who only knew me as that super shy girl who never spoke and who blushed when addressed hovered around awkwardly wondering what the hell was going on.

Those that stayed with me heard a barrage of the most normal teenage feelings of self-loathing and insecurity but turned up to about 300% intensity because they had never before been uttered out loud. It was super basic stuff, but to me it was all the things that made me freakishly different and wildly disadvantaged compared to the rest of the world. I wasn’t fat enough to be proper fat but I wasn’t thin enough to be ‘normal’, I was sweatier than normal girls, I had a moustache that I was at once devastatingly embarrassed of and determined not to be pressured to groom.

It was a mortifying experience that I regretted for months afterwards, how could I have been so vulnerable?

My high school diary

I had a friend called Mary whose vulnerability used to terrify me.
These days when I reflect on Mary and the way she moved through the world I feel a sense of admiration for how much of herself she exposed. I also feel devastated because she died just before she turned sixteen.

A warning to those that may be affected by themes of depression, self-harm and suicide, the following story is a bit funny because there is some teenage antics and poo in a bag, but it’s a snippet of much bigger, very tragic story. And for those of you who knew me as a teenager, you may well have known Mary too and if hearing about her is too sad then maybe don’t read this story.

Names have been changed, but if you know who it’s about, you know who it’s about.


We were at wonderful stage of life where our parents trusted us to catch the bus into the city after school, get changed out of school uniforms and hang out for a few hours – as long as we caught the last bus back to Mylor at 5.30. One Friday we were particularly excited, the usual after school crew acquired a new non-hills member for the evening and the four of us were going to watch a local theatre performance in the hills. After the show, city friend, Mary, and the other two were going to come and sleep over at my house. Exciting times.

As soon as we got to town we headed straight to our preferred public toilets to quickly change out of our uniforms and into our carefully selected alternative fashion ensembles. Mary went for the classic green and yellow horizontal striped flared pants (purchased at WOMAD, I had a matching pair) underneath a pink tie dyed slip and with a brightly coloured 100% polyester shirt. I selected a brown 100% polyester floor length skirt which I daringly paired with a red boob tube which was almost completely covered underneath a several sizes too big, pinstriped men’s suit jacket. Tie dyed cheese cloth headband to top off the look. Indiana was sporting a homemade fluffy headband and the classic long sleeved shirt under short sleeved t-shirt as well as the standard skirt over flared pants. Erin only wanted to dip a toe into ‘being alternative’, she tolerated our weirdness outside of school but once we were on campus we lived in different worlds. She was repping a small, midriff t-shirt and khaki miniskirt.

Satisfied that we looked extremely hip, we set off into the mall in search of business to attend to. Usually we would head to the supermarket and buy discounted sandwiches or bread and dip, other times would check out the Harris Scarf pet shop and coo over all the puppies and kittens. If we had some cash we might go the reject shop and buy junk to do weird little public engagement activities. Once we bought 100 clothes pegs and wrote special messages on them, a broad spectrum of things ranging from ‘blessed be’ to ‘bog off’ or ‘The White Stripes Rule’. Then we would hand them out to strangers and gleefully congratulate ourselves on how wacky we were.

On this particular day we headed to our favourite Goodwill second hand clothing store on Hindley Street to search for fun treasures. The elderly volunteers who ran the store knew us well. We all had our own routines for scouring through the racks of clothing. Even Erin knew how to op shop despite her dedication to pretending to be a ‘normal’. I came across a floral, orange, calf length dress that buttoned up off centre, it was like a kimono crossed with a sixties pant suit. It fit me perfectly, which in those days meant it was 2 or 3 sizes too big for me. I declared that it was my greatest op shop success yet.  Sandy at the counter picked it up making a big show of disgust when I proudly placed it in front of her. “I remember pricing this thing, I thought to me-self, geez that’s ugly whose gonna buy this? Now a young girl is buying it? My goodness!” I assured her that it was actually really fashion forward and beautiful but she wouldn’t have it. Erin presented a lumpy knitted jumper with silver thread woven into it, Sandy was much more enthusiastic about this purchase.

We stepped outside into the sunlight and I noticed that it was ten past five. “We better head to the bus stop” I urged the group, anxious that we would miss the bus and miss seeing my bus crush. As we started walking up Hindley Street Mary suddenly gasped and sprinted off in the opposite direction, “back in a minute!!!!!” she called behind her.

Five, then ten minutes passed. I was getting irritated and antsy, “how long has it been?” I asked Indiana for the hundredth time, “it’s 5.21”. I was trying to play it cool but I was so annoyed that the bus plan was being thrown out of whack. Where the fuck was Mary? How could she be so inconsiderate? Indiana and Erin chatted happily while I tried to keep a lid on my seething. “It’s 5.35” Indiana told me after I pestered her again. “it doesn’t matter if we get the next bus anyway, the play doesn’t start until 7 o’clock” she reassured me.

When it got to 5.50 something suddenly dawned on me and I became anxious for a different reason. It occurred to me that something might be seriously wrong. Erin and Indi weren’t as close to Mary as I was and there was a lot they didn’t know.

I didn’t fully understand her situation because it was so different to my own. The Mary that burst into my life full of energy, creativity, hair-brained ideas and endless enthusiasm quickly became one of my best friends. We bonded  over a love for absurd humour and semi abstract drawing. There were times when her enthusiasm verged on overbearing but it was easy to forgive her because our friendship always felt fun and honest. Mary was very upfront and talked openly about having attempted suicide more times than I could keep track of. During the course of our friendship I saw the physical and mental effects of various different experiments with combinations of anti-depressants, anti-psychotics and anti-anxiety medication. Her dad would make an appearance early in the morning at any sleep over to deliver a ziplock bag with the exact right combination of multi coloured pills for her to take. She’d greet him lovingly, take her pills and he would leave so as not to cramp her style. She wasn’t to be trusted with her meds after an incident on a family camping trip. Mary revealed that of all her suicide attempts, the one that was undeniably the worst was trying to overdose on her meds. She described the fallout, the panic amongst her family members, the ruined holiday, getting her stomach pumped, it sounded so unbelievably shit.  I couldn’t compute how my bright partner in crime could have this whole other side that turned so dark seemingly so suddenly. I never saw that side of her, I just had to take her word for it that it was real.

On this afternoon as I stood on Hindley Street with Erin and Indiana I was suddenly hit with the memory of a story Mary had once told me. One day after a psychiatric appointment she had been walking home along the river Torrens with her parents. The Torrens is notoriously filthy, we used to speculate as to how long it would take to get poisoned by the water. Mid conversation Mary started running and threw herself into the Torrens in an attempt to extinguish herself out of existence. When she told the story she seemed shocked and awed by the extremity of the snap decision and by the stupidity of this way to kill yourself, and of course the unnecessary trauma it added to her parents’ already huge back catalogue of fear for her wellbeing.

Had Mary thrown herself in the Torrens again? Or in front of a car? Did we do something wrong? Should I call her parents?

I decided I needed to tell the others about my concerns and workshop some ideas. Just after I finished trying to tactfully outline my concerns without compromising things told to me in confidence, Mary appeared marching up the street. She was dragging a garbage bag and was wearing ill-fitting jeans, an old wind-cheater and broad grin.

‘I just had the most explosive diarrhoea! Oh my god I feel really bad for the bar, I tried to clean it up a bit but I also just had to get out of there. Oh my god wow. I can’t believe that just happened.’

She was so animated as she filled us in. She had just been put on a new kind of medication and it had completely messed with her bowels in the most embarrassing way, she had been feeling crampy for a few hours and had suddenly been hit with the most uncontrollable urge to shit, hence her speedy exit. Unable to find a public toilet she sprinted into a bar, arriving to the bathroom just in time to shit herself in a big way. The problem with flared hippie pants purchased at the World music festival is that they do not retain catastrophic diarrhoea effectively. After desperately trying to contain the situation she wrapped her shit stained slip around her waist and ran back to the Goodwill where she explained her situation to the volunteers. They happily dug up a new outfit for her free of charge, right down to new underwear. They also gave her a garbage bag for her shitty clothes.

I was the only one of us with a mobile phone which I leant to Mary so she could call her dad, I assumed to ask him to pick her up. After a long conversation (I tried not to mentally calculate all the credit that was getting used up) she came back and announced that her dad was so annoying for trying to make her come home, when she was clearly going to go to the play.

We were stunned. She seemed so unfazed by the shitcident, it would have been my actual worst nightmare. I remember once I did the tiniest wee in my pants because my friend’s dog had scared me and I fell over and when asked if I had wet myself rather than admit it and laugh I made up some unrealistic lie about falling in a small patch of water and pretending to be surprised about it. It was one of the most agonising evenings of my life.

Not only did she seem largely unembarrassed, she seemed unconcerned that she was carrying huge bag of actual shit.

And so the four of us jumped on the next 163F bus to Stirling with our giant stinky poo bag. And then we went to the supermarket for snacks and Mylanta with our big poo bag. And then we went to the local theatre to watch Sweeney Todd the Barber with our big bag of poo. We sat in the front row, I was next to Mary, the poo bag was on the seat next to her. I wondered if the actors could smell the stench as strongly as I could and sank guiltily in my seat.

I debriefed with Erin and Indiana on the Monday morning bus. We all agreed that we would have gone home immediately, and that we would have cried. We also agreed that had we not for some reason done that, we would definitely have thrown away the shit covered clothes rather than defend them to the end. We laughed about it but we collectively knew we wouldn’t be laughing at Mary’s expense with anyone else. It was one of those stories that I so desperately wanted to tell but I knew high school was not the place.

To this day, I am mystified by how she dealt with such a savage teenage blow with such determination to overcome a shit situation. It a display of vulnerability that I wasn’t used to being confronted with. It was reassuring that someone was able to just be frank about the state of things but I could not have done it myself.


I think I was the last one of our friends to see her before she finally succeeded in taking her life. It was probably one of the only times I had seen her in this strange mood, just floating along like a lost cloud. I also somehow managed to completely let her down and didn’t know how to be upfront about it.

I was walking down Rundle Mall with my relatively new boyfriend Sam (the bus crush) and as we passed the Malls Balls, Mary came running towards me excitedly. We hugged and chatted and I asked her what she was up to.

‘Uh, meeting you of course!’

I was clearly shocked, too shocked to pretend I remembered the phone call a few days prior when we had arranged to meet at that exact time. I felt terrible, how had I forgotten the entire phone call? Was I preoccupied with my suddenly active love life? Probably. I apologised and expressed wonder at how we still managed to meet and how lucky that was but she seemed a little blunted by my error. We hung out for a few hours, the three of us, bumping into friends and acquaintances all over town. One of them happened to be a boy a year below us who had inadvertently become a source of extreme heartache for Mary. After a fleeting conversation with him her mood shifted into a different dimension which I suppose she never returned from. She decided to go home and I was a little relieved, I felt guilty and her mood was disconcerting, I didn’t know what to say to restore her to her normal self.


A few days later I was hanging out at Sam’s house with a bunch of his mates from across the street when my mum called for me on the landline. I answered the phone brightly and she blurted out through tears, “Mary killed herself I’m so sorry”. I felt like I was in a movie, I slid down the wall clutching the phone to my face repeating ‘no no no no no’ endlessly. Mum asked if I wanted to come home but I didn’t want to, I felt frozen and just wanted to sit on the couch. One of Sam’s friends put on Black Books, they didn’t know what had just happened and for some reason neither Sam nor I told them. I just sat there numbly pretending to watch while tears poured silently down my cheeks. I wore the orange kimono dress to her funeral.

It occurred to me that I should start blaming myself for Mary’s suicide because of my Mall’s Balls meeting fuck up, or for not taking her weird mood as a warning sign, if only I had called her that night to check in or something, it could have made all the difference. It seemed like the obvious thing to do but I knew deep down it couldn’t possibly have been my fault. There was no one I could blame, and I wasn’t even mad at Mary. I just couldn’t understand how the person I used to go department stores with to fantasy buy the perfect crockery for our future post high school share house could suddenly disappear. I think the reason I wanted to tell this story through the explosive diarrhoea lens was to add a little humour because it’s still incredibly painful to think about, and because it’s a powerful example of how resilient Mary was, what teenager doesn’t consider shitting themselves in public the ultimate disaster?

I used to often wonder if she would have beaten this thing or if it would have haunted her for the rest of her life, I used to wonder if it hadn’t been for all the different meds that fucked her up all the time, some of them seeming to make things much worse before they started doing what they were supposed to do – would things even have escalated so much? I don’t wonder about it anymore but I cry every time there’s a suicide attempt in a film or a book.

Throughout my twenties I thought I could save people by throwing away everything I had going on to look after them but then I realised that I was turning myself into an unhappy person. Now I tend to distance myself from those who are struggling which sometimes feels lazy or unkind, I’m not quite sure. My biggest fear is that one of my children will suffer from depression like Mary did because no matter what a good mum I am, I can’t magically fix someone else’s mental health.



Birth Story II

Today is Hamish’s second birthday so I am finally posting this recount of his birth I wrote ages ago.


From 37 weeks onward I was certain I had reached full capacity. Every day that crawled by without any ‘signs of labour’, the more convinced I was that this baby was never coming out. I was so done with everything, exercise felt near impossible, rolling over in bed was a mammoth effort, picking up toys off the floor took its toll, and everyone who encountered me had some comment like ‘oh the baby hasn’t come yet?’, ‘why are you walking around? You should be resting!’, and my personal favourite – ‘ARE YOU SURE THERE’S ONLY ONE IN THERE?’.

I could feel my smile wearing thin as I grew tired of my body being fair game for discussion and as my weight continued to creep towards 100 kilos. Apparently 15 kilos is ‘healthy’ weight gain during pregnancy and I had put on 25. I found this disheartening, I had exercised so consistently throughout this pregnancy and maintained a healthy iron rich diet.

If you know me well, you know I’m a pimple popping little freak. If I have any kind of build up under my skin it makes me crazy until I can meddle with it (usually with poor results, eg: huge wound on face). Being this pregnant I felt like a giant pimple that I couldn’t pop.

As the due date drew closer I started to lose hope and could only visualise myself being induced at the latest possible moment. Each day I felt like there was just no way labour was going to start naturally and I was still just getting heavier and slower and grumpier. My belly button DISAPPEARED. I normally have a deep bell button but look at this, just look at it!

And then it happened.

So fast.

I woke up around 3.30am on the morning of the baby’s due date. I’d been dreaming about having contractions. As I lay in bed I noticed a dull ache that felt a bit like period pain and wondered if that meant I might go into labour sometime over the next few days. After experiencing 3 bouts of this type of cramping I roused Lochie and optimistically alerted him to the development. He suggested that I try to sleep more and save my energy. I agreed that this was a good idea except I couldn’t stop thinking about how I had a massage booked for the next day and Lochie was meant to be playing golf. Also I really needed to poo which was making me annoyed because I didn’t want to get out of bed. I got up, did my business and went back to bed. I had a sinking feeling of dread/anticipation/excitement, this sure seemed like labour but I didn’t want to get too optimistic yet.

Over the next hour or so the cramps got stronger and quickly went from being 10 minutes apart to 8 minutes. I also did an impressive number of poos which I took to mean that the baby was moving down and putting pressure on my bowels. I thought my waters may have broken while I was on the toilet but I wasn’t sure, it felt like a sudden gush of wee. I kept trying to go back to bed to ‘relax’ but it was getting a bit unbearable.

Lochie was also struggling, he had developed a fever from his COVID booster the day before. Terrible timing, we thought we were so smart getting that out of the way nice and early. Things sort of felt like they were ramping up pretty quickly but I couldn’t quite let myself believe that it was possible for things to be moving so fast, that seemed way too good to be true. I had to mentally book in at least 10 hours, maybe more, of labour endurance. Around 5.30 Lochie called his aunt Trina, our support person who technically wasn’t allowed at the birth because of COVID restrictions but who would ride out the labour with us and take us to the hospital. Around this time I started timing my contractions, they were 3-5 minutes apart already. I used an app on my watch to time them and noticed they were oscillating between 40 seconds long and 20 seconds long. Trina and Lochie didn’t seem too concerned but I was starting to develop a suspicion that maybe I was blasting through the stages of labour a lot faster than any of us could have imagined.

Trina often mentioned that during labour women tend to get a bit lost on a different plain of consciousness but I didn’t find that at all. I was very aware and conscious of my sensations and surroundings and found it fairly easy to articulate myself. I was surprised at how annoying I was finding it to labour at home. I couldn’t stop thinking about logistics and had an underlying feeling that the baby might be coming soon, though I was scared to be too optimistic in case it ended up being 10 hours later. I would always prefer to be pleasantly surprised than to expect something to be fast/easy/simple only for it to turn out to be the opposite.

I could suddenly feel the pressure of the baby’s head pushing down and was overcome with a desire to get out of the house. I told Trina I was feeling agitated to be at home and thought we should go to the hospital, this was probably around 6.30am, around when I recorded my last contraction because it seemed redundant at that point to keep taking note. Everyone sprung into action very quickly, Lochie’s parents arrived to look after our daughter Sam and we hustled out to the car.

The drive to the hospital felt HECTIC. About 5 minutes in I started feeling the urge to push and knew that the baby was coming. When we went to our first appointment at Mount Barker hospital, everyone was talking about how a baby had been born in the car park that morning and at the time I had vaguely considered that it was possible that we would follow the same path, but now it seemed very probable! It felt like Trina was driving like a maniac, at one point I snuck a look at the speedometer and saw we were going 100 on what I considered to be a windy road and decided I didn’t have it in me to be thinking about safety, when I should be focussing on not pooing all over the car seat. I really felt like I was going to poo and after the absolute poo fest that morning I was annoyed that there could possibly be anything left to expel. Pretty quickly I decided 1. It didn’t matter, I could poo anywhere I wanted, and 2. It was actually the baby, not poo, so I should still focus on not letting it out just yet. All this baby coming out of you stuff is so much more closely linked to doing poos than I ever imagined.

We turned onto the freeway, blasting along with window open and I decided I might just put my seatbelt on, just in case. I really don’t like driving fast. At least Lochie didn’t have to keep propping me up as we barrelled around corners. I started chanting a little mantra to myself which was surprisingly effective, ‘you’re OK, it’s ok, you’re OK, you’re OK, you’re OK’ which is something I often say to Sam. I must have been muttering, or getting lost in the roar of the open windows, Lochie leaned over and said ‘pardon?’, it took a monumental effort to explain that I was ‘just talking to myself’.

It was a huge relief to pull up outside the hospital. As I walked up the ramp to the door I had to stop because my body was trying so hard to push I felt like the baby was going to go splat on the ground. I grabbed at my butt like a little kid who needed to go to the toilet. As we were ushered in I joked to Lochie – ‘well, the big poo is coming I reckon!’ and caught the eye of a couple sitting in the waiting room immediately after I said it.

I remember saying something to the effect of ‘get me on the floor’ and ten minutes later our son was born. The actual pushing part, where I had to consciously help push the baby out was a little bit more ‘stingy’ than I remembered it feeling with Sam, but a lot more swift. The baby came out with a big plop of gross amniotic gunk. I was a bit stunned and someone told me to move back a bit so I could pick up my baby. I looked down and was surprised to see a gunky baby on the floor underneath me. He had such a cone head. We had opted to not find out the gender and we had two names planned, Hamish and Chloe. Deep down we were both expecting Chloe so it was pretty wild to see Hamish down there looking so shell shocked. Hard to know who was more shell shocked, Hamish or Lochie in the throes of COVID booster fever. Here’s Lochie conked out on my bed a few hours after I gave birth.

As the dust settled, Trina and Lochie revealed that our car was still running out the front of the hospital with the keys in the ignition.

I was inspected for tearing and just had one first degree tear which I elected not to have stitched because last time the stitches were more irritating and painful than the actual tear. This proved to be a good choice because after a day or so my vagina didn’t even hurt whereas last time it felt endlessly painful and uncomfortable. Somehow from one shower and one trip to the toilet, the ward bathroom seemed to be covered in blood. It looked so wild in there. It felt weird for all that blood to just be there looking hectic while we hung out in the ward with the bathroom door open.

Hamish was 4.7 kilos which was the biggest our midwife had delivered, looking back at photos of newborn Hamish I’m a bit amazed at what a whopper he was. He was a wacky little baby who completely rumbled us but he has grown into the most charming, loving little maniac and we love him to the bloody moon and back.

Pictured below, a dad who thought that a second child would be 1.5 the amount of work of one (if that) and then discovered that sometimes you get a baby who doesn’t follow the rules because he is a baby and you can’t do anything about it and its more like triple the work of what you already had going on. Also your wife is still trying to recover from birth so you carry everyone everywhere and your shoulders hurt and you just want to watch the Australian Open in peace.



Chao Anouvong Park

As the sun crept towards the line where the sky became the Mekong, the dengue mosquitos rose from their crypts and set out hunting for suckers. They were too relentless to bother trying to swat and besides, Bigcola had already done his dash with the virus last year, no big deal.

Gulping the last of his BeerLao he cruised idly through Chao Anouvong park on his Honda Dream. As he let the empty can fall to the ground without a second thought he caught the icy blue eye of a blonde woman whose pale, dripping brow had sunken into her nose in pointed disapproval. Her hands gripped the straps of her Crumpler backpack tightly as he chugged past, dirty thongs dragging along the ground.

Speakers turned up to maximum capacity unleashed electro remixes of Thai pop songs as hordes of women in silver sweat jackets zumba’d their hearts out. Bigcola trundled dangerously close to the teetering trestle table where the instructor bounced up and down squawking into her microphone.

Pulling up to his spot near where they were setting up the night market, Bigcola donned his disguise, an oversized polyester bomber jacket, a dirty white cap and a surgical mask decorated with Hello Kitties. He sat forward on his moto and pretended to squeeze blackheads in his rear vision mirror while he scanned the lumbering tourists in their linen shirts and fanny packs strolling through the park.

Through the smoke curling off the barbeques and trash fires Bigcola spotted his target. She was petite and wore billowy pants with elephants printed all over them. He tailed her through the park knowing she’d follow the same pattern they all do, emerge at the main road and stand in dumb awe before trying to cross the street to photograph the temple. He had done it so many times, his timing was impeccable.

Bigcola accelerated towards her feeling the familiar rush of anticipation. As she turned slowly to compose her temple selfie he struck. He felt no guilt as he blasted off down Lang Xang Avenue with her handbag.

Meanwhile in the park, a young woman with a broken arm was comforted by a self-righteous expat from the states who posted about the whole incident on the Vientiane Social expat Facebook group.



AIR – Artist talk time

EDIT: Artist talk video available HERE

bear with the audio delay it sorts itself out after a few minutes


I’m doing an artist talk. TONIGHT. This is the first time I have been asked to do an artist talk. It has to be 30 minutes long, and so I have a powerpoint presentation of 30 slides. This is the poster –

The artwork is a digital collage I have created during the residency. This week has felt less productive in terms of creating work because I have been so focused on the artist talk and collecting strange sounds for the non-DJ cycle this Saturday Ciclo Ñ-Dj #74 /// Waiting For A Mate. I am pretty sure there will videos and live streaming from the facebook event page so check it out.

I’ve also been working on a big ink drawing this week and thoroughly enjoying my big roll of paper but I’m super reluctant to cut it and start a new picture because I like the never ending-ness of the roll. Here it is!


Hahaha just kidding, that’s a bung thing I did on a cornflakes box.


I really like it but the ink did a sudden change and became really opaque on the third figure, I think it must have all settled at the bottom of the pot. I am not keen to repaint the lighter areas because I am not patient. Also, those little bristly hairs will take FOR EVER omg. I guess I will just keep going and see what happens.

Last important piece of news is that I will be filming and developing my performance this sunday. Here is a little ideas collage I made.


AIR – Bad day in the studio

As I write this the bad day in the studio has gladly passed. But it happened, and I think its important to talk about bad days in the studio and maybe next time I have one I will be filled with hope as I reflect on this blog post.

So, I bought all my nice new art supplies and was ready to paint. I had just been to the Júlio Pomar gallery and was feeling inspired. I found some mdf wood in the street and decided to save some $$ by painting on that instead of canvas. MISTAKE NUMBER ONE. For as long as I can remember, I have always been trying to paint grand things on annoying surfaces, and I could hear my mum’s voice in my head ‘You need to put an undercoat on that or the paint won’t stick. You need an undercoat. Make sure you undercoat that before you try to paint’. So I ignored her as I always have, blindly and lazily hoping it would just work out, but alas, the paint wasn’t showing up as much I wanted it to. I decided to use the gesso I had bought to do the undercoat that was clearly needed.

And so I was undercoating the mdf and about halfway through realised I had almost used up a whole tube of gesso on this damn piece of scrap wood. Once again I heard my mother’s voice in my head ‘Don’t waste the gesso! STOP USING THE GESSO AS WHITE PAINT! HEY WHERE DID ALL THE GESSO GO?’ and I started to understand her point of view with a little more clarity.

I finished the undercoat. ‘It’s ok’, I thought optimistically to myself, ‘you can do a really ground breaking painting and make this worth while’. And so I began to paint. And I soon realised that the beige and golden ochre paint I had excitedly bought at the Chinese store were actually super savage, sticky, toxic exterior paint that wouldn’t wash off my hands and brushes. Most frustrating. Then I proceeded to angrily persevere with the painting assuming that at some point it would become really good. It didn’t.

I had to leave the studio.

With sticky brown hands and a furrowed brow I walked down the slippery cobblestone street in my Birkenstocks thinking about a painting I had seen as a teenager. It was in the artist studio at my mum’s friend’s house. I think it was by John Olsen, it was the beginnings of a perfectly good looking portrait of a man in a chair. Some of it was fairly detailed, some of it clearly not finished. It was called ‘Bad day at the studio’, which was evident because the artist had obviously had a meltdown and scrawled ‘BAD DAY AT THE STUDIO’ across it in big ratty letters. I remember wondering why someone would ruin such a promising painting in such an aggressive and unfixable way, but I also loved what an absolute mess it was.


The next day I went at the painting with a bottle of black ink. The golden ochre paint was still sticky and tarnished my hands again, unpleasant. I HATE HAVING DIRTY HANDS.

I think I actually like the painting. It’s just different to what I normally do. Maybe because there was not drool or hairy legs I felt like it was missing something. I was reminded of that creative process meme that goes around every now and then.

Except I didn’t think I was shit, I thought that STUPID PAINT WAS SHIT, and I don’t think the finished painting is awesome, but I do appreciate it now.

I suppose you’d like to see the painting.

AIR – how to draw princess jasmines

It was always a bit of a red flag for me as an art teacher when a student mentioned that they wanted to make Disney art (university students by the way). It usually meant I’d have to get pretty brutal with the student at some point in an effort to get them to consider something beyond their love for all things Disney, or endure shitty reproductions of characters I know nothing about (what are you Frozen Elsa?).


Yesterday I was feeling a little lost and felt frustrated because I kept drawing the same kinds of pictures over and over. Then I remembered that when I was a kid I went through a phase where I just really loved drawing princess jasmines. I had a bit of a jasmine drawing system that I used to experiment with, pushing the limits to see what could make the most truly beautiful jasmine.

So I thought I’d revisit drawing princess jasmines.

Here are the basics according to child Alice’s drawing process.
To draw the most stunning jasmine you need to nail the curly shoes. The more curly, the more elegant and beautiful.
Also the hair needs a really lovely curl, and if you add lots of extra sections to her pony tail then she becomes more beautiful. Boofy pants is a must, amplify that hip to waist ratio with extra boof. Also, note that red outfit jasmine really opened the creative doors colour wise for jasmine outfits, you can put her in yellow or green clothes if you want. Jewellery wise, take style inspo from the geenie cos his golden geenie bracelets are actually superior to jasmine’s arm band. DONT FORGET JEWEL HEADBAND.

The first one isn’t quite beautiful enough. The face doesn’t matter at all as long as you pay close attention to the key areas outlined above.

Yellow jasmine was a lefty, child Alice wouldn’t have been into it. Also green jasmine is a little off brief but adult Alice started to add some different flavours.

The whole point of the princess jasmines, was to celebrate that commitment to drawing the same dumb stuff over and over again without overthinking it. I think I will be more open to letting myself do that instead of worrying about doing something new or more meaningful. There’s also probably a whole bunch of stuff here about how my views of ideal feminine bodies and expectations for how I should look were influenced but I haven’t had a coffee yet so don’t worry about it.





AIR – drawing butts with my non-preferred hand

I wasn’t joking when I said I was going to start out drawing butts with my wrong hand.

Days 5-7 of the residency have seen a lot of this behaviour. The butts I can’t entirely explain but the wrongs hands I can. Probably in every one of my drawing classes I forced everyone to draw with their non-preferred hand. I find it’s a really good way to relax, reduce pressure and relinquish some control. It helps to deal with that feeling where you have a really cool, clear idea in your head of the awesome thing that you are going to do and then you end up with something bung, but not bung enough to make you laugh.

The past couple of days I have been sketching, collaging (digitally and on paper), printing, sculpting and thinking about what form my performance might take.

Here is my ACTION PLAN:

And here is a selection of some of the experiments I have been doing.


I’m trying not to think too much about what where I am going with all this. I’m just trusting that along the way there will be delightful moments where I unlock new ideas or ways of approaching things.

I’ve been doing a lot of wandering around Lisbon and soaking things up. There are abandoned buildings everywhere, hand painted tiles on everything, bandy legged old dudes stealing stone fruit from the mini market, tiny coffees, sardines, otherworldly ice cream, practical footwear (cobble stone streets yo), dog poo everywhere, pleased looking dogs everywhere, hills, bakeries, cheap cheese, old ladies in markets that make you sample chickpeas off the end of their bread knives – that kind of stuff. Here are some visuals,

and then there’s other stuff like vege maccas, street art, indoors art and a bizarre shower that reminds me of 60s movies where people are being futuristic.

Just for a moment reflect on how monumental it is for there to be a delicious vege option at maccas. I’m truly lovin’ it.


Sooooo, back to the art stuff, I think I always thought that it would feel really contrived or forced to be like ‘I’m so inspired by this place, my art is responding to this special thing blah blah blah’ during my residency, but its nice to see that there are definite influences from my surroundings and they are true to my style and personality and it feels natural.

Today I finally allowed myself to go to the art store with a budget of 50 euro, I spent 55. I walked away with a feeling of exhilaration because I have new art supplies and regret because I just blew heaps of cash on art supplies. Does anyone else spend like an hour puzzling over acrylic paints trying to weigh up economic value versus quality with no knowledge except for the price and packaging??? IT TAKES ME FOREVER and I forgot to buy just regular white paint. I invested in some super heavy gel medium for the first time and some weird looking beige house paint from the Chinese MEGASTORE pictured below, strange architecture.

That’s it for today, we just got back from an opening at the gallery called ponto I ponto, I’ll upload some photos of it soon, it reminded me of Zac Svendsen and Carl Jiorjio‘s favourite game ‘I draw a dick, you draw a dick’. There were free bananas (high quality).

Zaratan live streams their events and if you want to see this particular one it is available here. I recommend skipping to 2h 47m to see a baby riding a cat. On September 15th, Loki and I will be delivering a Not-DJ set which will be live streamed until we breach the copyright laws, I will provide more details closer to the date.